At last! A life-changing solution for an “incurable” disease
that attacks your entire body by Melissa Hickle

When Maryland resident Marie C. started having eye problems, she chalked them up to irritation from a new soap. Then her problems got worse, exploding into extreme light-sensitivity and headaches. An MRI showed brain lesions. Fourteen different specialists and other doctors couldn’t tell her why. Nobody could tell her what was wrong with her.

Meanwhile, her husband, Frederick, came to her and confessed that he’d been feeling depressed. This was out of character for the energetic truckdriver. When he revealed that he often would take his hands off the wheel, hoping the truck would roll over into a bank, Marie knew something had to be done. Frederick was put on five different medications. Like his wife, Frederick received no answers as to the cause of his mysterious illness.

He became reclusive, sleeping over 22 hours a day, and was nearly institutionalized. Two years later, stricken with meningitis and encephalitis, Marie had all but given up. She started preparing for her own death, making sure the bills were paid and the freezer was full. That’s when two years of research started shedding some light on the trials she and her husband were going through.

She made a few calls, and was put on a two-month waiting list for an appointment with a specialist for some very expensive testing for both of them. The verdict in both cases?

Lyme disease.

The scary thing? Marie firmly believes she caught Lyme disease from her husband, just as one might catch a cold or the flu.

Frederick,  ever the outdoorsy type, had found a tick on his calf right before Marie started having her eye problems. He’d pulled it off and gone back  to work. The memory of the incident had faded as quickly as the red bite mark. Marie, who works as a secretary and only spends a small amount of time on her porch outside, thinks it’s highly unlikely that she was bitten by a tick herself.

She knows mainstream doctors would call her crazy, but in the years since her ordeal with the disease she’s spoken to scores of families in which the mother, the father, and all the kids have Lyme disease.

It’s enough to make her think the Lyme disease epidemic is far more serious than conventional medicine would have us believe. The rainforest formula that finally eradicates Lyme disease HSI panelist Dr. Leslie Taylor shares Marie’s sense of urgency when it comes to Lyme disease.

Concerned that the disease has mutated to spread via casual contact, her search for a cure had become desperate. And her work paid off.

This month, she’s unveiling Spiro, a formula of six rainforest botanicals that targets Lyme disease at the source, the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium that causes it. This modern-day medicine woman, who spends her days trekking through the Amazon rainforest researching and documenting medicinal plants, had been searching for a cure for Lyme disease for five years. In her private practice in Austin, Texas, she’d seen “tons of patients” with Lyme disease and was desperate to find something that worked.

She thought she’d get lucky when she started her work in South America. In exploring the jungles and interviewing natives, Leslie has documented countless antimicrobial plants. But in lab testing, nothing worked on the insidious spiral-shaped bacterium that causes Lyme disease.

This got Leslie thinking. B.burgdorferi is different from most bacteria. It’s not like Salmonella or E. coli.With its long, heavily coiled cells, it is in fact part of the same family of bacteria as Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis.

Natives of South America have been treating and curing syphilis with plants for generations. Syphilis becomes extremely difficult to stamp out as the infection progresses, but these plants do the job. Perhaps syphilis could provide a model for her research on Lyme disease, Leslie thought.

Sure enough, when she turned her attention to those plants that had been used to kill syphilis, she hit the jackpot. In vitro testing revealed that the components of Spiro attacked B. burgdorferi directly. Lyme disease could finally be addressed head-on, and without the side effects or contraindications that are risked with conventional treatment.

Leslie knew it was time to put the formula to the test. A hundred people, including quite a few HSI members, enrolled in a three-month study of Spiro. Participants had been diagnosed with Lyme disease within the five years leading up to the study, with the diagnosis confirmed in each case by one of four available tests.

Most of the people in the study were suffering from chronic Lyme disease—despite treatment, their disease had not gone away. Leslie believes this is because the bacteria become dormant, going into remission, and rear their heads again when the body is under stress. This brings the symptoms of Lyme disease back in full force. Baseline symptoms (100 of them—Lyme attacks nearly every system of the body) were rated on a scale of 1-5. This rating was repeated every month for three months, during which time participants took Spiro two times a day.

As testing went on, more and more people saw their symptoms improve. Many patients called Leslie, urging her to launch the product. “It’s changed my life,” more than one exclaimed. Though retesting was not required at the end of the trial period (Lyme disease testing can be very expensive), 10 of the participants chose to be tested. All 10 tested negative.

Leslie has not finished compiling all of the data from the study, so we don’t have any concrete numbers yet. But the preliminary response was so strong that she felt she had to get Spiro into people’s hands as soon as possible.

Eliminate bacteria with six previously unknown powerhouse plants

The six plants that make up Spiro have been used to combat a variety of illnesses through the ages, and are particularly known for their antibacterial properties. Before starting her research on Lyme disease, Leslie Taylor had never heard of these plants. Now she has them grown and harvested especially for her.

Matico (Piper aduncum, angustifolium), an evergreen shrubby tree, is used by many Indian tribes of the Amazon as an antiseptic wound healer. Known as a “cure all” in Peru, it speeds healing and prevents infections.  According to various laboratory studies, chemicals found in the leaves are toxic to bacteria, including the one that causes Lyme disease. Matico is also used for digestive problems and venereal diseases.

The Tamamuri (Brosimum acutifolium) is a large canopy tree of the Amazon rainforest. TheWayãpi Indians of Guyana attribute magical properties to the tree, believing that the latex it produces will help protect them from witchcraft. Both the bark and the latex are very common remedies for syphilis, and the balm from this tree is also well-respected as a treatment for arthritis. In laboratory studies, it has shown antibacterial action.

A second canopy tree shows up in the blend—the Huacapu (Minquartia guianensis). Commonly uses as foundation house poles, this is one of the most durable, heaviest, and hardest tropical woods. In a 1996 study, an extract of the bark demonstrated antibacterial activity against two antibioticresistant strains of Staphylococcus.

Called “false garlic” for the flavor of its crushed leaves, Ajos Sacha (Mansoa alliacea) is a shrubby vine native to the Amazon rainforest. The plant is considered spiritual and is used for good luck. The leaves and flowers contain the known antibacterial plant steroids beta sitosterol, stigmasterol, daucosterol, and fucosterol.

The bark and latex of Bellacocaspi (Himatanthus succuba) have a long history of use among Amazonian Indians. The bark is powdered and sprinkled onto wounds and sores. The latex is rubbed on bot-fly bites to kill the larvae under the skin. Studies have shown that the plant contains two antibacterial chemicals, and researchers in Brazil determined that the latex showed pain relieving ability in laboratory animals.

Rounding out the formula is Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri), a small herb called “stone breaker” for its ability to eliminate kidney stones. Leslie included this component because of its clinically proven liver protective properties. In chronic Lyme disease, B. burgdorferi can collect in the liver, lying dormant until the body is under enough stress to ensure a successful attack. Chanca piedra helps to detoxify and strengthen the liver as the rest of the formula goes to war against the infection.

On their own and in combination as Spiro, these plants are free of side-effects. Spiro should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach.

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